Monday, 23 January 2012


So this is the workout I did this morning, I can tell you it absolutely killed me. I can tell you lovelies now that I have never sweated from working out, apart from when I was 14 and we had to do P.E. compulsory. I usually do yoga, pilates and about 200 sit ups a day, so to get the rest of my body working I thought this would be good even though it included dreaded running, which I ran on the spot.

The jumping jacks killed me due to not having a sports bra, but I managed just like we used to in school. The crunches didn't bother me as I usually do them and the squats didn't bother me since I've included them in workouts before. The leg lifts were a little difficult as I was trying to keep my balance and then running for 10 minutes was the killer, I went in thinking okay 10 minutes not that long, after 5 minutes I was flagging, my boyfriend kept me motivated by counting down the clock but still by the end of it I was sweating which is what a good workout should do.

I eat healthy anyway so this isn't a problem but I have been avoiding temptations such as chocolate as its what my boyfriend always eats in front of me. But tonight since its chinese new year we're having a chinese takeaway to celebrate, I will try to pick the healthiest dish and avoid fried things apart from spring rolls I love them but we'll see what other starters they have. I also do a lot of cleaning round the house so that's helping me lose weight without realising, I don't use scales but last time I did which was just after christmas/new year I was 158lbs /71 kg when I used to be 145lbs/66Kg, I usually get my weight checked when I do my contraception and the next time that will be is February so we will see if my effort has paid off.

Anyway have to go, I have to start writing my dissertation whilst my boyfriend is out so I've got no distractions.

Ciao xx

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